She is an enigma. quiet, emotionally unavailable and a control freak
She has been described differently by different people. People just don’t know what she is about, so they do what they always do with unfamiliar things; they negate and vilify them.
It would be erroneous to say that an Alpha female is quiet. Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. An Alpha Female is silent. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down. All of it.
Alpha Females are not victims and she didn’t get where she is by trampling on others.
Madame Alpha is a lifestyle brand about incorporating self-care, self-love, confidence, control and beauty into the lives of millennial women. It is meant to enlighten the few who might be interested in the inside information about this species-the Alpha Female.
“Madame” is originally a French word to mean Female. It is also a Kenyan slang (pronounced as ‘madem’) to refer to many females. The brand seeks to explore controversial topics that revolve around pain, pleasure and profit to say the least.
Am I authority to any of these things? Hardly. But I have an opinion which I prefer to share. Let’s agree that you have your own and it might not be compatible with mine, but we can at least be civilized about it. I think the universe demands that of us.
Welcome to my world, welcome to Madame Alpha.