The EPL is back! For those who are football fanatics like me, you should be really excited for this season. It seems like most coaches this season came hungry for a title.

I have a confession to make I’ve not always been a fanatic. Actually up until recently I knew very little about what it takes to be a fan. Though I wasn’t a fully pledged fan at least I identified with one team, the Red Devils. Or Manchester United for the ignorant. I have been a United fan since I learnt of the existence of football.
The first time I came across the Reds I was still a wee toddler not able to differentiate a team from the other. I just happened to love the team that my brother hated. My brother and I have always competed against each other. It’s a healthy competition that we started as a way to better ourselves. So it was only right I choose the Reds as he was a die hard Arsenal fan.
Anyway, I’m not sure why he still continues to hold on to the disappointments of Arsenal but at least he identifies with something. With the start of the new season there is promise for excitement and surprises. Some teams started with a bang while for some, like Arsenal, are still trying to find their footing.
With only 3 games played for some teams, it’s too early to predict how the season will end. But most guys are gunning for Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester United. This may not be the case.
I have to admit the unpredictability of this EPL is what makes the season exciting. Teams like West Ham, Southampton and Tottenham are out for blood. And if the big 4 don’t maintain the pace they’ve started with they might just find themselves out of the race for a trophy.
Who knows how it will all go. And these are just rantings of another hungry football fan. Anyway if you ask me, I’ll most definitely go with Manchester United and don’t be surprised if we emerge title winners. It’s Mr Coffee Pot ranting GGMU.