I’m not the type that knew they wanted to write from an early age. I didn’t even nurture it.
My first attempt at writing was in the few pages of my diary, an old book dated 2008 despite the fact I was putting it to use in 2010. I remember it was one of those family secrets, which aren’t really secrets but for some reason shouldn’t be aired out publicly. I needed an outlet, desperate I tried running but my frail legs could only run so fast.
Eventually, I decided to put pen to paper. Giving the nitty-gritty details of our so-called family secrets and a bunch of other silly things (wedding goals). It wasn’t a surprise to find the pages torn.
Pain you see, is like the sea. It’s a moving thing but still and all, it takes shape from the shore it meets and it’s different from every snore. There are times when the world gets heavy. Sleepless nights? I’ve had way too many. But every single time I’ve put pen on paper literally, I feel everything and nothing all at once. My soul doesn’t reach out for anything, nor do the things of the world reach inside to disturb my calm.
You have to be brave to write, putting your flaws out there for the world to see and probably judge. These little musty bitches never forget to run their mouths.
I wrote because there was something in my eyes, a sadness I found inexplicable in the pretty woman that stared back at me in a mirror. Compulsive sadness (that’s what I’ve heard people call it). No. I wasn’t depressed. Please, don’t be nasty. I’m sure depression can find some other people with more reason than me and waste their time.
What started as a temporary fix became a permanent decision; a need to write. Am I happy? Most times yes. Why do I write as I do? I have a gift for inventing and piecing my deepest and darkest thoughts like a puzzle to paint a picture of a tortured soul despite living what others would call a ‘good life’. Writing made me realize, pain can be beautiful. That life isn’t really that serious even when it is. We tend to make it hard. The sun rises. The sunsets. We don’t need to complicate the process.
Speaking to my heart…
Be spontaneous. Let the plot unfold to you slowly as you write. If you can see the ending by the time you start that means the reader can too.
Most of my articles, blogs and short stories are mysteries and thriller themed doesn’t matter whether it’s a love story or a revenge mission. Personally, I write the story in my head, probably whilst staring outside the car window. I let my surrounding affect and build my story, be it nature be it the people around me. Everything. It is until later, I put pen to paper. Yes. I’m old fashioned like that. I put it on paper, this helps me to feel the realness of my characters, it gives me more time with each and everyone thereby helping me to curve out their traits to perfection or something close to that.
For the last draft, I type my already handwritten draft while editing it. At this point, I add researched work and more details to my shell of work. It is only after I’m satisfied do I give it to a friend to review. You may think, an early review from friends is best but that is not the case. Some people will care, some won’t and the best way to complete a work of art is to not invite them into the conversation until you’re done.
‘…I feel everything and nothing all at once. My soul doesn’t reach out for anything, nor do the things of the world reach inside to disturb my calm.’
WELL DAMN, same, girl. But in my case I end up being really, really bored. So lame
But si ni life 😂🥴
This is literally my reply to everything that doesn’t sit well with me.