Life & People

A Tale Of Sorrow

Lets talk about life, we are at a stage in life where humanity has lost meaning. People are no longer defined by values or morals, but rather emotions forgetting it takes more to be human. It is in this times that murder can easily be justified by love going wrong. What happened to the values that our forefathers strove to instill in us what happened to the good old days.

Right now am more interested in the male species.


I simply can’t understand what makes a man kill over another man or better yet kill themselves over a girl. It is simply not acceptable. I get it we are beings run by our ego’s, but is your ego more important than your life? That you would rather take your own life than let your ego down! If only we could reach out and talk instead of taking that final walk.

This is a little personal to me because I did not only loose a friend, but i lost a brother to his ego. This is a sad story because its not like he did not have a solution. No! its simply because he failed to take the step of reaching out. The story is of a friend of mine called John, John was one of the happiest souls i have ever met.

Ever since we were kids John was ever jovial and hyper. He was one of those kids who would smile even in pain. There literally was nothing that could bring John’s spirit down. John and I grew up in the same estate he is the first friend I made. We were so close that he was my ride or die and most definitely my partner in crime.

We were so close with John that we just had to go to the same schools and even shared classes and dormitories. All through our short school life John and I had the best time of our lives. We got into lots of mischief. One of our major highlights being getting suspended in high school for ganging up on a bully that was seriously on my case. I thought I knew John till we got to campus and he met Jane. I cant say John was new to dating because both of us had our equal share of girlfriends and flings through out high school. With Jane things were different.

It all started out okay they actually had a very romantic love story. They met in a matatu as John travelled back to school. Apparently they both forgot there wallets at home and none of them had fare. Luckily for John he had a personal bank agent on speed dial. Him being a close friend I did not hesitate I sent both enough for fare and lunch. Coincidentally they both were in the same campus and even better lived in the same hostel. John and Jane created a bond out of there common problem. They started on their journey to get to know each other, where they realized they shared a lot in common.This was a match made in heaven.

Soon enough they crossed the line and became lovers and just as I expected they were the perfect couple. They were inseparable. There never was an instance you would find John without Jane or vice versa. I remember I would often tease them of their dependency which they would shrug off. Jane was not from a well off family. Sometimes, making ends meet was hard but John, being the gentleman he was, he decided to take in his cherry, as he called her, so that they would share the burden. Little did he know that this would be his downfall.

The first few months of living together were a fairy tale. Everything was perfect. I was sure this two souls were meant to be and if all went well they would end up bride and groom. After sometime, things started to change. Its like Jane had become a totally different person. She suddenly fell more in love with John’s pocket than John himself. Her demands slowly escalated by the day but John had found the one. So, instead of reprimanding her like we suggested he did everything in his power to give her the life that she wanted or deserved as he claimed. He took up two jobs just to get enough capital to finance his new investment.

Nothing was ever enough for the hungry Jane. Clearly, all the new weight had a major effect on John. But John always hid his troubles beneath his ever broad smile. At some point we all thought he was superhuman. He managed to do it all with a smile on his face whereas, most of us would have broken our spirits trying to achieve half of what he had done. John doing two jobs meant less time with the love of his life Jane as one entailed him working till late night.

To Jane this was an opportunity. She discovered a new word in the dictionary that was never in her vocabulary before SPONSOR. She used the opportunity to have the time of her life with the new found investors. Well she had a price to pay for all the heavy investment she got but to her that was a walk in the park. John had heard rumors of his girlfriends newly found hobby but he did not put into any of it into consideration. He believed she was the one and nothing could change that.

It all changed one night. On this fateful day John had made enough to go surprise his boo with a date. So, he decided to take a leave of his night job. John passed by the supermarket and shopped for his love. He picked out the best roses, chocolates and even the most expensive bottle of wine. He then slowly headed to their house. Little did he know that this would be his last day. On arriving at the hostel gate he noticed a car packed out front which looked familiar. It had picked up Jane often on weekends at their place allegedly it belonged to her “uncle”.

John did not give it much thought and he simply made way to the house. Music was playing on full blast from his room. He opened the door but he did not find anyone at the sitting room but strange noises came from his bedroom. On opening the bedroom door there was the love of his life Jane moaning in pleasure as her “uncle” sweat profusely on top of her. It was as if he was drilling for oil in the desert.

I never found out what happened next. I just remember finding my long time friend hanging life less from his kitchen ceiling. The light that shone from his smile had faded away and was now dull and pale. If only John had reached out to me maybe I would have helped. Now am left writing a tale of a fallen angel citing the writings of his suicide note. It maybe too late for my friend to speak but not too late for you. All I know we all have that one ear that is always ready to listen to our voices open up before its too late. Mr Coffee Pot signing out.

4 thoughts on “A Tale Of Sorrow

  1. Kelly Nyanchama says:

    I never thought I’d see a time where infidelity ,gold digging and relationships with a very big disparity in age have been normalized ,or classified as fancy just for ministerial benefit or whatever reason. Terrible times we are living in.RIP to James

    1. Japhet Kaimenyi says:

      Dude….. Amaizing line of thought,beautiful piece

  2. Diana says:

    Sad reality we live in.

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